Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Sound News of the World

Sound News World is small pages to give new information of the world. Banyumurni by Haji Dwi Sugiarto is related page in the SILATurahim, because silaturahim i s one way for to made the good muslim activy to implementation of learning by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The good moslem must be understand of  the Al-Qur'an and the Hadist of  the prophet Muhammad SAW. The left picture is Madinatul Munawarrah mosque name Rosullullah Muhammad SAW. Each Hajj jama'ah is good to stay and taking sunatullah ziarah to Nabi Muhammad SAW, to take berkah and syafaat.

The green kubah is mark of maqam position of Nabi Muhammad SAW. Shollawat to Nabi Muhammad SAW. I hope to give sholawat for Nabi together and me, ... Shollallahu ala Muhammad SAW. Writer is yaqin of  Nabi. Berkah sholawat cool of my heard I you reader budiman, banyumurni action tu utama mandiri sejahtera memahami of peoples need her syafa'at.

Idealisme of general people need damai smoker sejahtera in the world heart, so always ready bahan-bahan pokok, Sembako are needed by smoker to increase,

Slam berkah Nusantara lagi bangsa yang berdaulat ini.    

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