Dwi d'Best, at the banyumurni in utama mandiri sejahtera memahami situation and condition around village is good socially. That all setting good communication by all stake holder to make harmonisasi or harmonization situation camps or village. The leadership capacity of man must be competences to handle of all peopple and stake holder.
Stakeholder of all are :
- Government start at RT (Rukun Tetangga), RW (Rukun Warga), LMK (Lembaga Musyawarah Kelurahan), Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Walikota / Kabupaten / Kotamadya / Kota Administrasi, Propinsi, nation. (that all government of bottom to up, RT ~ President),
- Military : TNI (Tentara National Indonesia) are TNI AD (Angkatan Darat), TNI AL (Angkatan Laut), TNI AU (Angkatan Udara),
- Pilice : Started from lower Babinsa ( Village level to control and stabilize situation) until KAPOLRI (Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia),
- Ormas (Organisasi Masyarakat / people organization) that is the general activities definition for general members, non politics, non profit etc.
- People village.
So harmonization need all component mass to build, toto, titi, tentrem in heard people for added value him strata or position from base. The general improvement socially to do hard by all stakeholder. Writer Dwi Sugiarto maju madiun ku likes all activities to higher level in social corporate. I hope to success maju dahsyat luar biasa is my motto. Salam Nuasantara.
OK Harmonisasi is good condition mass.