Stakeholder of all are :
- Government start at RT (Rukun Tetangga), RW (Rukun Warga), LMK (Lembaga Musyawarah Kelurahan), Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Walikota / Kabupaten / Kotamadya / Kota Administrasi, Propinsi, nation. (that all government of bottom to up, RT ~ President),
- Military : TNI (Tentara National Indonesia) are TNI AD (Angkatan Darat), TNI AL (Angkatan Laut), TNI AU (Angkatan Udara),
- Pilice : Started from lower Babinsa ( Village level to control and stabilize situation) until KAPOLRI (Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia),
- Ormas (Organisasi Masyarakat / people organization) that is the general activities definition for general members, non politics, non profit etc.
- People village.