Senin, 30 Desember 2013

K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari with NU

Bismillahi rohmanirrohim ... NU
Today my spiritual is good, I hope can up to receive added value from Allah Swt. Friday at 24 May 2013, I receive information from my friends about result test for panwaslu election 2014. Thanks for my God Alhamdulillah I love Nahdlatul Ulama ( NU ), with this organization I know about Islam and social organization. Jombang city with Pesantren Tebuireng and spirit support from K.H. Kholil Bangkalan give new idea to K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari.
 Nahdlatul Ulama give soving to personel like this organization, cause in here can study any more of living, especially religious system the alhlul sunnah wal jammah culture traditional of  basically learning by Waliullah in the Java, generally in the Nusantara.

Gus Dur is president Republik Indonesia have background Nahdlatul Ulama, he was give statement or policy to Barongsai and Imlek Year can party for all Chines population in Indonesia. That alls make K.H. Abdurahman Wahid or Gus Dur very loving by people like pluralisme . NU identik is Islam Nusantara, Good Luck.                    

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari

Learning by doing, I am is Banyumurni with utama mandiri sejahtera memahami falling love to NU or Nahdlatul Ulama since borned fourteen year ago  at Madiun city East Java Indonesian. Case foundation Moslem traditional Nusantara by Aulia or Waliullah at Nusantara Area since Sabang until Merauke. Many Syaikh or Kyai set and produced by Wali or Aulia, there are teaching on the jagat raya pesantren. 

Especial man to father founding Nahdlatul Ulama is Mr K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari born at Jombang city East Java Indonesian. This original idea by K.H. Kholil Bangkalan stay in pondok pesantren Bangkalan Madura Indonesian. Berkah gemblengan or strong training and the best support K.H. Kholil Bangkalan, the son Hasyim growth to be K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari and him NU organization until now ang next time. 

NU is the biggest organization spiritual socialism moslem in the world, established 1926 year. Please log in to  Banyumurni yaqin you can take any knowledge. 

Banyumurni read many story about NU can't separate with K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari, because him spiritual can motivation  army or young heroes at company (Penjajah) Nederland / Belanda and sekutunya may to go back Indonesian need again invation. Pahlawan day 10 November is connected with him statement or fatwa "Membela tanah air adalah fardu ain" ... can you see at "SANG KYAI" cinemas. He have Semangat Takwa
Many him ideas as base to make Indonesian until base to basic Empat Pilar Bangsa Indonesia.  Dwi d'Best pray to God and read Al Fatehah to him. Amin.

Barokahullah. Amin.       

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Good Inspire to make Harmonization Village

Dwi d'Best, at the banyumurni in utama mandiri sejahtera memahami situation and condition around village is good socially. That all setting good communication by all stake holder to make harmonisasi or harmonization situation camps or village. The leadership capacity of man must be competences to handle of all peopple and stake holder.

Stakeholder of all are :
  1. Government start at RT (Rukun Tetangga), RW (Rukun Warga), LMK (Lembaga Musyawarah Kelurahan), Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Walikota / Kabupaten / Kotamadya / Kota Administrasi, Propinsi, nation. (that all government of bottom to up, RT ~ President),  
  2. Military : TNI (Tentara National Indonesia) are TNI AD (Angkatan Darat), TNI AL (Angkatan Laut), TNI AU (Angkatan Udara),             
  3. Pilice : Started from lower Babinsa ( Village level to control and stabilize situation) until KAPOLRI (Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia),
  4. Ormas (Organisasi Masyarakat / people organization) that is the general activities definition for general members, non politics, non profit etc.
  5. People village.
 So harmonization need all component mass to build, toto, titi, tentrem in heard people for added value him strata or position from base. The general improvement socially to do hard by all stakeholder. Writer Dwi Sugiarto maju madiun ku likes all activities to higher level in social corporate. I hope to success maju dahsyat luar biasa is my motto. Salam Nuasantara.  

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Sound News of the World

Sound News World is small pages to give new information of the world. Banyumurni by Haji Dwi Sugiarto is related page in the SILATurahim, because silaturahim i s one way for to made the good muslim activy to implementation of learning by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The good moslem must be understand of  the Al-Qur'an and the Hadist of  the prophet Muhammad SAW. The left picture is Madinatul Munawarrah mosque name Rosullullah Muhammad SAW. Each Hajj jama'ah is good to stay and taking sunatullah ziarah to Nabi Muhammad SAW, to take berkah and syafaat.

The green kubah is mark of maqam position of Nabi Muhammad SAW. Shollawat to Nabi Muhammad SAW. I hope to give sholawat for Nabi together and me, ... Shollallahu ala Muhammad SAW. Writer is yaqin of  Nabi. Berkah sholawat cool of my heard I you reader budiman, banyumurni action tu utama mandiri sejahtera memahami of peoples need her syafa'at.

Idealisme of general people need damai smoker sejahtera in the world heart, so always ready bahan-bahan pokok, Sembako are needed by smoker to increase,

Slam berkah Nusantara lagi bangsa yang berdaulat ini.