Learning by doing, I am is Banyumurni with utama mandiri sejahtera memahami falling love to NU or Nahdlatul Ulama since borned fourteen year ago at Madiun city East Java Indonesian. Case foundation Moslem traditional Nusantara by Aulia or Waliullah at Nusantara Area since Sabang until Merauke. Many Syaikh or Kyai set and produced by Wali or Aulia, there are teaching on the jagat raya pesantren.
Especial man to father founding Nahdlatul Ulama is Mr K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari born at Jombang city East Java Indonesian. This original idea by K.H. Kholil Bangkalan stay in pondok pesantren Bangkalan Madura Indonesian. Berkah gemblengan or strong training and the best support K.H. Kholil Bangkalan, the son Hasyim growth to be K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari and him NU organization until now ang next time.
NU is the biggest organization spiritual socialism moslem in the world, established 1926 year. Please log in to http://www.aswajanu.com/ Banyumurni yaqin you can take any knowledge.
Banyumurni read many story about NU can't separate with K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari, because him spiritual can motivation army or young heroes at company (Penjajah) Nederland / Belanda and sekutunya may to go back Indonesian need again invation. Pahlawan day 10 November is connected with him statement or fatwa "Membela tanah air adalah fardu ain" ... can you see at "SANG KYAI" cinemas. He have Semangat Takwa.
Many him ideas as base to make Indonesian Harmonization Village until base to basic Empat Pilar Bangsa Indonesia. Dwi d'Best pray to God and read Al Fatehah to him. Amin.
Barokahullah. Amin.